Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rainy day....

Had a rather siong day at work....

I think I took it out abit on my students.... felt alittle bad abt it now...

Work is a little overwhelming lately... I dunno if it is because I'm incapable or is it really alittle too much?

Anyway I lost my digital camera a while back....I have absolutely no idea how on earth can I lose it...

Strangely, I don't seem to want to use it lately....
Maybe this is a period of my life that I want to forget easily in the future....

Is it possible to be in a relationship but dun feel that you are in love?
Is there such a relationship that is more than friends but less than lovers?
I never know that a relationship can be so complicated....

Recently I've found a new answer to the classic question that women love to ask....

Long time ago...
It was.....

Woman: "Dear, do you love me?"
Man: "dunno"
Woman: "Dear, you love me or not?"
Man: "you say le"
Woman: "Oie! you got love me or not?"
Man: "Ya la ya la"

then it was....

Woman: "Dear you love me?"
Man: "Of course I love you sweetie"
Woman: "I love you too"


Woman: "Do you love me?"
Man: "It depends on how you define love"
Woman: *mental note* never to ask this again unless you want to get hurt

I must get over you...


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