Friday, December 10, 2010


You cannot choose your family but you can choose your friends.

Lately I'm beginning to think who are my real friends?
What qualify someone as a real friend (to me)?

I think everyone has their own definition of what real friends are and subconsciously we will compare the people around us with this definition and determine who are the real friends.

I wonder if it is because I had the one Best friend before and subconsciously she became the "friendship yardstick". If that's really the case, am I being unfair to compare them with her?

Instead of going on and on about this in my head, I shall pen it down what is bothering me and hopefully leave it here.

I hate it when someone make plans with me and then call it off last min because she has some other (better) plans or just decided she is too lazy to come out. Once or twice is fine but if you do it often, it is not acceptable. I'm not a back-up plan.

I hate people who tell white lies perpetually and cannot keep the promises they make. Honesty in friendship is important.

I hate it when people sweet talk you and tell you how important you are to them. Action speaks louder than words. I've been stupid to believe these words all these time. Don't say I'm your closest friend and I'm the only person you can confide in when the very next day you've told the same thing to half a dozen other people.

I hate it when people expect you to inconvenient yourself even though I'm already extending them a favor. I bloody hate to walk out to pass people things I help them buy. I try to make plans out of the way for me to make things easy for them. It is not acceptable to be late twice in a day and expect me to ditch my dinner plans and go to them. A 'Sorry' SMS is NOT ENOUGH! Don't expect me to help again when you didn't even realize why I'm so angry.

I hate it when people call you super late at night or super early in the morning. If it's not important, you can leave it to a more "human" time to call.

I hate it when people expect pressies from me but didn't think of giving back and hands you recycled gifts. It's a give and take relationship. I can be generous but I'm not here to be taken advantage of. Friends just don't do that.

If I'm not talking to you, it probably mean I am re-thinking our friendship.

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